A Note From Our Global Steering Committee Chair, former US Senator Russ Feingold on Hindou Ibrahim’s Appointment to President of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

“On behalf of Campaign for Nature’s Global Steering Committee, I want to congratulate our colleague Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim on her well-deserved appointment to President of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. 

For many years she has tirelessly championed the rights of Indigenous Peoples, including when it comes to the recognition of their contributions to the conservation of nature, the impacts climate change is having on their communities and the urgent need for direct nature and climate financing to Indigenous Peoples.

Her appointment is good news for everyone working to ensure that Indigenous issues are prioritized at the highest political levels, including within the UN conventions on biodiversity, climate change, and desertification. 

We look forward to supporting her work in this crucial role.”

~ Russ Feingold, Chair of the Campaign for Nature Global Steering Committee