Posts in Campaign for Nature
John Nichols: Russ Feingold is making an issue of biodiversity

The Capital Times - OpEd

January 7, 2020
When the United Nations welcomed heads of state to the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, a global consensus was reached to take vital steps to save the planet. To that end, more than 170 nations gave their support to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change. But was not the only treaty at the summit. There was also a Convention on Biological Diversity. The climate change treaty is well understood internationally — even if the Trump administration and its congressional allies continue to engage in dangerous denialism and obstruction.

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“Endgame 2020 - The year of the decision on climate and biodiversity”


December 2, 2019
How much time do we have left? This question concerns more and more people who are aware of the consequences and urgency of climate change and species extinction. A lot of time has been lost, but there is a date that must be delivered: the international community must agree on ambitious goals at the World Biodiversity Summit in October 2020. 

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Nature-Based Climate Solutions Like #30×30 Gaining Traction With New COP Leaders

Our Daily Planet

December 10, 2019
Yesterday was #HumanRightsDay and the importance of access to and conserving nature as a basic human right was emphasized repeatedly at the UN Climate Meeting in Madrid — sustaining biodiversity is increasingly recognized for its benefits to addressing the climate emergency. And as developing countries are stepping up to fill the leadership void at the Climate Meeting, their leaders are looking for multifaceted climate solutions that conserve biodiversity as well as providing for sustainable use of natural resources.

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